How to install glass panels in the kitchen?

How to install glass panels in the kitchen?

Ceramic tiles have always been a good way to increase the aesthetics of kitchen walls. At the same time, they were very functional. Today, their role is being taken over by glass backsplash. Resistant to scratches, thermal shocks and high temperatures, they are also easy to clean, they are an ideal alternative to ordinary, painted walls. The glass itself already looks very nice over the kitchen counter, but there are also various patterns or prints that will even more diversify the space and be part of a unique, unique design. At the same time, they are easy to install and widely available. It's a great choice for a modern, classy home!

The purchase of glass panels

It is easy to answer the question of where to buy glass panels. They will be in the offer of every major construction store. Rather typical patterns and colours can be found there, and the available panels often have standard sizes. The situation is slightly different in online shops. In orders placed electronically, you can take advantage of the possibility of personalizing the product. Cut-to-size and colorful prints are available in almost every service at a very affordable price. And how much do glass panels for the kitchen cost? From 38 GBP up to 340 GBP per square metre, depending on the place of purchase and the type of panels. The lowest prices are for standard models with simple designs. When printing and cutting to size, the cost increases to about 65 GBP per square meter.

A successful purchase, which means, what to look out for

In order to enjoy beautiful and durable panels, it is worth paying attention to the parameters of the glass used in them.Tempered glass is the best choice for a kitchen wall. Most retailers offer just such panels. You can ask for the appropriate certificate to be sure. Panels with float glass, optiwhite and many others are also available. The most visible differences are the colour of the glass. One will take on a greenish tint, the other will be transparent, and the other milky white. You should also always make sure what type of glass is used, because they differ in terms of thermal shock resistance or high temperature resistance.

How to install glass panels in the kitchen?

How to install glass panels in the kitchen?

Prepare the wall surface properly before installation. Gluing the panels to ceramic tiles is used, while the paint from the wall should be completely removed.In older apartments, during renovation, the wall should be degreased, and in new apartments - dusted. The wall should also dry out so that fungus does not appear in the future.

How do you lay glass panels? This depends on the method of installation. There are three main methods available: sticking, using wall-mounted brackets, and fixing with rails. The first method is the simplest, and thus the most popular. The other two are used when there is some installation (water, electricity) behind the panels or when additional LED lighting is installed there.

How to glue glass panels?

Gluing the panels is the most common method of installing the panels. It is so simple that anyone with a bit of practice can do it themselves. The cost of assembly is also the lowest in this case. However, it is important to know what glue to choose for glass panels. It should be solvent-free, specifically designed for mirrors and various types of glass. In addition, a supply of spacer crosses will also be useful.

How to install glass panels in the kitchen?

During the laying of the glass panels the process gaps must be borne in mind. It is a small distance of a few millimeters that needs to be kept between the edge of the panels and the furniture hanging above or the table top below. It is enough for the cabinet to lower over time, and the panels can be damaged. Movement of furniture edges is a natural process associated with the wear of certain fasteners, although the differences are so small that under normal conditions it cannot be noticed.In the case of a technological gap above the worktop, it is covered with colorless silicone, which can be damaged and dirty over time.

How to screw the glass panels?

Another possible way of installing glass panels is quite common.Wall-mounted brackets or rails are used here, to which panels are then mounted. In this case, a distance between the panels and the wall is created from one and a half to seven centimeters. Although this takes up some of the available space, it allows various installations to be routed under the panels.An interesting idea is the arrangement of LED lighting, which can be set to different colours. This gives a nice visual effect.

It is worth noting the difficulty of installing the sockets. It should also be remembered that when screwing, the panels are supported pointwise and are easier to damage, but this should not cause the damaged panel to fall off. A crack leads to the formation of a "spider's web" but the panel will remain intact until replaced.


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